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月曜日, 6月 23, 2008


MGS4 still pawns all games.

On Act 2 now which reminds of of MSG3 cos it is in a forested area. Now I have more gauges to deal with, the bar below the lifebar is a bar which gauges Snake's mental health. If it gets lower, self healing will be slowed down and it will hamper other things like shooting etc. The realism of the sound is truly awesome.

On other things, I cut my hair yesterday. My fringe is....still long! At least the back has been neatly snipped off.

And work will be messy tmr as office is having a renovation.


elow at 12:12 午前 | (0) comments

日曜日, 6月 15, 2008


Very surprised that my MGS4 which I pre-ordered since March 21st actually arrived in SG 1 day after the official launch date. With shipping included, it costed me $118+ for the Special Edition. Japan Special Edition is different from that of US/Europe and Asia as it does not include the soundtrack and the artbook, it only has a special BD which shows the making of MGS4.

Act 1
It took me almost 9 hours just to play Act 1, have to get used to the controls, new stuff in the game etc. Act 1 is good, I love the part where I need to do a combine team battle with the Foxhounds against these group called the 'frogman' which will disintegrate into blue flames and vanish if they are killed. It was only until the end of Act 1 where I realised in order not to have the militia shooting u, u have to shoot the PMC (Praying Mantis) instead. Once u do so, then the militia will see as a ally and will not shoot u. This is important cos there are some areas where u need to get by them and having both militia and PMC shooting at u is no fun haha.

There are long cut scenes in between and with each Act, u need to install the date needed. Graphics wise, quite impressive, any thing less will do not justice to PS3 power. Sound wise, it is definitely excellent, with the vol turned up, the realism of the bullets zipping, bombs exploding makes me feel like watching a war movie. The sound even changes direction and loudness if u turn around, for example, if u are facing the person or something, u will hear them clearly, but if u turn the other way round, the sound will pan and loudness and audibility is changed if ur back is facing them.

I dunno how long it will to finish this game but there are already people who completed it.

elow at 11:34 午後 | (0) comments

月曜日, 6月 09, 2008


Hazel best known as foolz, one of FP's pioneer admin/mod has passed away due to viral infection. She is only 24 YO, an undergraduate. Tho I may not know her well, I have spoken to her before in several occasions, like all who known her personally or not, the impression she gave was she is a very nice gal, someone who has contributed greatly to FP and other forums and possibly in other areas as well. Her sudden departure came as a shock to me cos it is the least I expected.

Anyway, I know she is in goods of the Lord. :) No doubt I still feel the loss, somehow. Well praying yesterday afternoon, I somewhat was told not to be sad for she is in good hands, God has told me, she is with Him.

One of my neighbours, an old uncle also passed away. I rem seeing him a few weeks ago.

Death is a result of sin. Though believers in Christ are saved, how many of us are ready to meet God and account to Him? Are u ready to meet God?

elow at 12:05 午前 | (0) comments

日曜日, 6月 01, 2008


and......life still goes on with church (absent today since I am not feeling well)

Work has been hectic.
Love= empty-in the hands of God (some distractions here and there but I know nothing will come out of it)

What else is there?

Oh, MGS4 which will be released on the 12th June worldwide. Hope I can get it fast.

elow at 11:21 午後 | (0) comments

Johann Low,Male.

[I Love]
God, church of our saviour, food,animation,photography,games, Jpn culture, pretty gals, high-tech gadgets, comics, Gundam models, layered hair, plucked eyebrows, mascara, blusher, Mika Nakashima,Ayumi Hamasaki, Namie Amuro, Sun Yanzi, Jay Chou, David Tao, Faye Wong, F.I.R, Flowerpod, Yoon Eun Hye,Fiona Xie, Lin Zhi Ling, Yoon Eun Hye

[I Abhore]
hypocrisy, injustice, shallowness, materialism, lies. [Past Entries]
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