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月曜日, 10月 29, 2007

[just another]

it is just another week, anothe week which seems like the week before. Fri ends, Sat, Sun and then Monday again. Well the only thing I am look forward to is my order of OS X Leopard. By the time it arrives, it will be probably mid November cos I ordered it thru Amazon.com which has a 26% discount and then I am using vpostusa to ship here. Cost will be ard $170+++or at most $180, whereelse if u buy here, it is $238. Even with student discount it will still costs $218. Apple stuffs always cost more here than in US.

Life's bored. Think i will pick up korean. Anyone?? haha

elow at 12:19 午前 | (0) comments

木曜日, 10月 25, 2007


Do u realise that alot of those smokers hardly smoke their sticks when they are walking? So i observed, these smokers will hold their cigs 90% of their time in their hands while walking in their hands rather than popping it into their mouth to smoke. What does this account to? People who are walking behind them will be breathing in 2nd hand smoke, FOC. It is kinda irritating cos, it is either u walk faster and overtake them or u try to walk as slow as possible to allow the smoke to disperse when they emit from the chimneys of these idiots. Ain't this so selfish?

Everyone is selfish, including that farking retarded stink. goodness he was behind me when i was queuing up for my bus. Anyway he refused to budge his stinking arse when someone wanted to sit (he was sitting on the outer seat of the 'seat'. Why can't they just keep these retards elsewhere?

Ok, they are adults with 'mild intellectural disabilities',yeah right, disabilities. There was one of these mildly intellectural handicapped twits who started to throw glasses, sweep plates of rices to the floor, overturn tables, threw chairs, holding on the chicken rice auntie, threatening by-standers WOW DISABILITIES!! Honestly, I felt someone then should just cracked that retard's head open with a glass bottle.

elow at 12:05 午前 | (0) comments

月曜日, 10月 22, 2007

[and here it is]

it has been a busy week where there seems to be endless changes to the catalogue, gah it just sucks.

Other than work, nothing to talk about. Oh I had a wonderfully strange dream. I dreamt I had a gf and we were running. The scenario was half dream like half real so surreal. Not the wonderfully sweet dream I had a few months back (that was awfully sweet) this one is just quite drama haha. Weekends was spent on playing Heavenly Sword and GT5 Prologue demo, GT5 is the shitnitz but I suck really badly @ driving/racing games, so I might just give it a miss. haha

Another week...ahead.. Looking forward to getting OS X Leopard hehe.

elow at 12:21 午前 | (0) comments

木曜日, 10月 18, 2007

[autistic, spastic]

The bus I took to work is often jam packed with people going to work esp @ the time slot of 8.15. Besides seeing peasants not moving to the back of the bus, I often saw chinkland peasants, stinkland peasants trying to get a free ride by going up from the rear door, sometimes standing on the stairs and preventing the rear door from closing. The tension is already there, which is made worse when some of those fucking spastic morons from a special school makes the trip worse.

As said, peasants from stinkland. I guess this runs in their genes. This fucking spastic stink (in his 30s and balding) acting like a fucking retard child will always stand in the middle of the bus near the exit and preventing people from moving in (minus the fact that there are also fucking peasants who REFUSED to budge) Besides blocking people from moving in, this moron will make alot of 'CI CI PSSSST PSSSSSSSSSTTTTT CHI CHI' noise, much like another fucking retard which I noticed when I was working in Chinatown. If not he will start to make faces at people and smile at them. At times he will act all panicky and and run through the bus to get out.

goodness, just get out of here.

What is wrong with these people? They will never get accepted into the mainstream society, why not just shove them up and hide them somewhere else and have them to stop being a nuisance to the general public. There is another guy from the same training center prob in his 40s, well he cannot really speak well (he only murmurs things which he can understand) but at least he dun startle and irriate the shit out of people by making PSSSSSSSST PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSST CIIII CIIIIIIIII noise.

Sorry, the above is just my rant. I fully understand these are people with special needs who need a little more warmth, understanding and of course acceptance by the general public. But I am just human, afterall.

elow at 12:00 午前 | (0) comments

月曜日, 10月 15, 2007

[as it is]

the week is simply work work and work and some games.

Got my hands on Biohazard 4, wii edition. It is really good. excellent music and very adrenaline pumping haha. It does lives up to its high ratings in major game forums. Tho the graphics mayb not be as cutting edge as PS3 but the game play is solid, aiming using wii mote is prob the best thing besides a gun. Last night I played until I cld not sleep cos was too excited ahahahahhaa, e zombies or whatever they are, are getting smarter. Instead of using spades and farming equipment, they now throw dynamites!! Best thing is to run outta ammo and u got to run and kick and use ur knife to slash them haha

As for Heavenly Sword, this is really one hella epi. One of the most fun game I ever played since MGS3. The gameplay is soooo fun esp the parts where u played the character of Kai. As Kai, most of the time u have to shoot arrows (thank goodness they are unlimited) the most fun of shooting arrows is u can direct them and home in to ur enemies. One of the more difficult ones is one where they are all armour cladded and the only part which u can kill them is their head.

Nxt game = Wii fit? haha and definitely MGS4.

elow at 11:43 午後 | (0) comments

土曜日, 10月 06, 2007

[.......and the ipodtouch]


A song from the 70s, perfectly describes life of a working employee.

The poorest man in SG is $460 poorer because he just bought IPODTOUCH 8GB model,QHHAHAHHAHAHA, no pics yet, too lazy to take. Retail price is $498, I was told the price was $475 on the phone but a friend reminded me that the price shld be able to be lowered down still, so when I went down, I said $460 can anot? and guess what, the nice aunty agreeed! whahhaha i shld have said $450 haha

I love the touchscreen, the wifi capability and of cos since it is so new, it felt like a new thing compared to my ancient 3G ipod which was bought in 2004. Plus the multi-touch is quite something tho i find it a little cumbersome to type cos my fingers r too fat. Anyway experiencing the ipodtouch makes me want to get the iPhone when it is released in Asia next yr.

And it is another week ahead...

elow at 7:25 午後 | (0) comments

Johann Low,Male.

[I Love]
God, church of our saviour, food,animation,photography,games, Jpn culture, pretty gals, high-tech gadgets, comics, Gundam models, layered hair, plucked eyebrows, mascara, blusher, Mika Nakashima,Ayumi Hamasaki, Namie Amuro, Sun Yanzi, Jay Chou, David Tao, Faye Wong, F.I.R, Flowerpod, Yoon Eun Hye,Fiona Xie, Lin Zhi Ling, Yoon Eun Hye

[I Abhore]
hypocrisy, injustice, shallowness, materialism, lies. [Past Entries]
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