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火曜日, 5月 29, 2007

[Faces and Miss Universe vs Miss SG]

I realised human do resemble some animals. Some look like dogs, like a gal who was a friend of my ex colleague when I was working. Her face resembles a bulldog honestly, she has some droopy eyes, eyebrowns which bend in the shape of the Chinese character 八, dark complexion and a screechy high irritating voice. She talks like a bimbo too.Maybe the only 'condolences' I can see is that she is not fat.

There are several occasions where I saw gals esp who look like wild boars. Coarse dark skin, oily hair and fucking fat. Some are worse, some look like crossbreds of wild boars and hippos. Some people look like parrots, some look like some sorta of aquatic fish, some look like rats, horses, orangutans, rabbits, hamsters and assortments of other animals.

Anyway abt Miss Universe and Miss SG.

Miss Japan-IMO, she really stands out among the gals, esp the gals from Asia. Her smile sparkles like a diamond, the look in her eyes, the way she turns and moves and push back her sleeves. She is simply oozing charisma! One thing I realised abt other contestants esp those in the Top 10 including Miss Japan of course is that they have such strong identity of themselves, of their countries, of their culture and heritage. The moment Miss Jpn walks out, is WOW! That poise that confidence that aurora. All these traits are also prominent in last yr's Miss Japan whom I think is prettier than this yr's.

Does Miss SG have that? She already admitted she joined Miss SG for the money. IMO, besides the prize $, some gals from other countries join Miss XXXX is to represent their country, to showcase their rich culture, heritage. What does SG have in the 1st place? Culture? Heritage? Miss SG at most is like those pretty OLs or those pretty students or gal-next-door. There is nothing outstanding besides 'oh she looks quite pretty' Well at least last yr's Miss SG has the boobs to 'stand out' a little but still lacking that aurora Miss Japan or other contestants have. Miss SG there is like simply like 'oh im here cos i need to be here cos I won Miss SG and that lump of money, I am here simply becos I am here.' Nothing special at all.

Simply put, Miss SG is simply not 'world-class' standard. Talk abt SG wanna be 'world-class' standard in every darn thing and also wanting to hold every 'world' event in SG to make SG a fugging hub for EVERYTHING WORLD CLASS. WTF? IT Hub, Bio-medical hub, educational hub and what hub? Starhub?

Miss Philippines is really photogenic (thus Miss Photogenic) and Miss China got Miss Congeniality o_O, well at least she does not have armpit hair. AHHAHAHAHAHAHAAH.

And I am on MC today thanks to a cough which can cause me to cough out my lungs. Hmm, Whatever tastes not bad, chrysanthemum + some fruit juice flavour, quite nice indeed. Will try out Anything hahehehe...

elow at 6:47 午後 | (0) comments

日曜日, 5月 20, 2007


Actually I dunno what title to put.

Work is....doing the booth design during the whole of this week and last's. E design is FINALLY finalised. Just some minor changes that's all. Now the whole thing resembles an alien gigantic tadpole ( i call it sperm) in flames. No, it is not a tadpole nor a sperm, it is supposed to be a line. Some minor hiccups with the design as I am dealing with huge files. E biggest I did is for the counter, resolution is 21895 IIRC X 8095 @ 300 dpi. SONG BOH! I wanna do one lens flare effect and my PC says ' xxxx not enough RAM to complete lens flare effect' Other hiccups including not able to enlarge some text to 250-300pts. If Im lucky, there will be an error msg, if not, the whole Photoshop will crash, SONG BOH!?!

Boss wanted a new pc for me to do my graphics but....apparently this is nt going to happen cos my lady boss dun seem to like this idea. Now, almost everyone else has a new keyboard and a new lcd monitor but not me. Like I care anyway. My pc's graphics card got upgraded and my pc does seem snappier now.

Last evening while on the way home from work (there was a fucking jam frm Paya Lebar to Eunos, stuck for almost 1 hr) I happened to sit besides one not too mentally sound middle aged man who at first was singing some songs and then later began to recite in Cantonese abt all sort of martial arts. He even demonstrated them. To think I still could close my eyes and rest ahahahha..

And it is sunday already zzzzzzzzzz...next month I need more money to buy new games (ninja gaiden sigma, paper mario..) but my debit is gg to expire soon, why nv send me new one!!?!?! They mentioned they will be sending me a new one though..zz

elow at 1:07 午前 | (0) comments

月曜日, 5月 14, 2007


My house is infested with ants these days. I think these ants already live in my house except they are only come out to forage for food. Recently, they seem to be moving house. Firstly, they move into one of the rattan chairs. It is not the first time anyway. I sprayed almost a can of insecticides to move them out. Then just a few days ago, my mum battled with almost half of the ants.

In one of the morning, she sprayed a whole bunch of ants crowding, in her room. The grp extended to the outside of my house. After spraying them, she thought things aare ok until when she came home from work. There were big blotches of ants grps in small,middle big circles all over the house. From the door to my mum's room, not only that there was a bee line of ants from the door to the room..zzzzzz

Just a few days ago, there was a grp of ants in circles on my kitchen wall after i sprayed a few. Wah liew, they r moving their nest, as I can see them carrying their larvae or eggs. Mst be the bad weather.

A strange thing happened this afternoon after my nap. Upon waking up, I felt a shuddering rush of loneliness. I dunno what made me to feel this but it is rare i feel this way these days. Accompaning this feeling was a splitting headache which subsided after popping down 2 panadols.

And it is going to be another wk down the road, alone.

elow at 1:04 午前 | (0) comments

火曜日, 5月 08, 2007

[why some of my nice and decent friends are single]

My friends are single, have decent jobs and are almost surrealistically decent. They do not smoke,drink,gamble and neither do they have bad habits. One is an airforce regular, has a car, responsible,serious abt his work etc, one is a witty designer with a sense of humour, patient, tall dark not bad looking, well tempered etc. The strangest of all things are, they are single!

Anyway what I deduce is that, gals younger (those early 20s) prefer guys who are flirty, club, drink, can sweet talk, have cars to bring them ard, can dress well etc etc and my friends dun fall into this category cos they are too decent. Gals our age (25-27) prefer men who are financially stable, matured, tonnes of savings in the bank for a big wedding + big condo + big cars + possible tai tai lifestyle in the near future and my friends dun seem to fall into this category as well.

Well to be fair, some gals are not like that whether they are in the early 20s or ard our age. But they r probably taken or are lesbians or not interested in a r/s?

So there u go, gals usually dun dig too decent guys. Only the very rare gems do. Anyway those gals who go for the above can be labelled as trash hahaha.

elow at 12:41 午前 | (0) comments

日曜日, 5月 06, 2007

[once in a while]

Kinda realised that I have not updated shit here lately, maybe I was too busy with my games? Gundam Musou seems endless as more characters and MS get unlocked.

Ventured out of my 'tomb' yesterday to watch the highly anticipated Spiderman 3 @ Doby Ghaut, The Cathay. Quiet place, so it seemed until the hordes of people came out like hungry ghosts from the gates of hell. Saw bunch of si ginna and si ginna couples and couples of relative maturity and young couples. zz. Right I seem to be only seeing couples. WHY HAR? Anyway, spiderman 3 is not that bad. I admit one of the main attraction of the movie is Venom but it is too short. Venom is one of the most iconic and powerful enemies of Spiderman, how can the battle be so shortlived? Sandman shld not even be included, I feel. Anyway he is prob there to emphasis on the forgiving thing abt Peter Parker's late uncle.

Went to PS to walk ard and have dinner. Saw a nice Panasonic lcdtv which I have been eyeing. Walked to the half vacant Doby Ghaut Xchange, god, it is like a ghost town. More than half of the shops are closed there. Well at least the most crowded is the Pepper Lunch.

Then it was time to hit home, it was so early considering it was a Sat.


Well, finally got my Wii 'fixed'. Brought the set to FunzCenter @ AMK Hub to test, realised it is not the sensor bar which is faulty but the controller. Costed me $60. Hope this new one can last.

A cousin is getting married,thus mum made use of this opportunity to urge me to find a new gf and not spend so much time on my PS3 & Wii. -_- how like that?

elow at 11:23 午後 | (0) comments

火曜日, 5月 01, 2007

[nobodyknows+ Hero's Come back!!]

This is one of the best hiphop? song I ever heard. Opening theme for Naruto's Shippuden.

一人また一人 立ち上がる同志
繰り返すだけの普段どおり くつがえす
準備いいぜ Are You Ready?
体中振るわす振動に 激しく打ち鳴らせよ Stomping
絶えず突き動かす Call Me 変わらず揺るがぬ
つかむ Story Come On!!

Everybody Stand Up! あげろ 今日一番の時間だ
誰もが皆 虜 看板 Yeah!(Come On!)
Everybody Hands Up! 待たしたな Hero’s Come Back!!
頭上 数え指折る Count Down
いくぜ 3-2-1 Make Some Noise!

What You Gonna Do? What You Gonna Do?
絶え間なく鳴り響き 刻む
全身を走り 離さん Break Down
Turn It Up(Turn It Up) Hey 聞こえっか?
叫んだ 昨日までのことが
変わるだろう まだ見ぬ明日へ

待ちに待ったShow Time 咲いて散る宿命
流した血と汗 己で拭え
願いもプライドも含め 全てを背負った互いの背後
保てポテンシャル メンタル面

おっ いいねえ そんなんじゃねえさ
Kick on The Corner まだ足りねえか?
いつもと違う非情な人格 守るのさすべて
Like a ターミネーター
4回、5回で立つ ハイライト (Fly High,Yeah!)

Everybody Stand Up! あげろ 今日一番の時間だ
誰もが皆 虜 看板 Yeah!(Come On!)
Everybody Hands Up! 待たしたな Hero’s Come Back!!
頭上 数え指折る Count Down
いくぜ 3-2-1 Make Some Noise!

何回転んだって起つ(Get It On)
なれ合いじゃないぜ 紙一重のセッション
入りくんだ感情 築き上げた結晶
Made In ヒューマンのドラマの延長
まるで燃え盛る 吉原の炎上
エンドレス 先も転がる日常
笑うほど バカになれるって事

劣勢吹く 向かい風にも負けん
巻き込む 何度も出くわしてきたぜ
幾度となく立つ この場のバトル
闘い方なら この身が悟る
守るもんが違うな 白旗を振りな
陽の目 憧れる 日陰を知る
言い訳は聞かん それこそがReal

ファイト 毎度 I'm Proud
YesかNoじゃ無い いつかこう笑う
はなからパッと決める いくぜ相棒

立ち上げれば 今以上苦しみ伴う
すべてさらう 勝利と歓声

Everybody Stand Up! あげろ 今日一番の時間だ
誰もが皆 虜 看板 Yeah!(Come On!)
Everybody Hands Up! 待たしたな Hero’s Come Back!!
頭上 数え指折る Count Down
いくぜ 3-2-1 Make Some Noise!

Everybody Stand Up! あげろ 今日一番の時間だ
誰もが皆 虜 看板 Yeah!(Come On!)
Everybody Hands Up! 待たしたな Hero’s Come Back!!
頭上 数え指折る Count Down
いくぜ 3-2-1 Make Some Noise!

elow at 9:04 午前 | (0) comments

[birthday surprise heehar]

Nv ever had I experienced this before, someone actually left me a box of cakes on my doorstep a few min before my bd. thannkkkkk uuuuuuuuuuuuu, u know who u r even though u asked someone else to send it. As it was late last night, I did not open it. Anyway I think my mum did, so here it is,

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I was slashing my way in Gundam Musou when I got a called asking me my unit number. Still bewildered what's going on, I just said it. Few minutes later, someone placed a box of cakes on my doorstep. Even though it was not from the person but the gesture and though of it really touched me.

A lavish lemon cheesecake made with premium cream cheese, semi-candied lemon and lemon zest, topped with a luminous saffron mirror glaze.

Fluffy Genoise sponge laced with strawberry puree, fresh cream and strawberry basil jelly, topped with fresh strawberries.

Luscious Jivara mousse with caramelised bananas, fruity ginger and passion fruit puree.

Thank you, i think this is the best BD present I ever get.

elow at 12:30 午前 | (0) comments

Johann Low,Male.

[I Love]
God, church of our saviour, food,animation,photography,games, Jpn culture, pretty gals, high-tech gadgets, comics, Gundam models, layered hair, plucked eyebrows, mascara, blusher, Mika Nakashima,Ayumi Hamasaki, Namie Amuro, Sun Yanzi, Jay Chou, David Tao, Faye Wong, F.I.R, Flowerpod, Yoon Eun Hye,Fiona Xie, Lin Zhi Ling, Yoon Eun Hye

[I Abhore]
hypocrisy, injustice, shallowness, materialism, lies. [Past Entries]
9月 2003 10月 2003 11月 2003 12月 2003 1月 2004 2月 2004 3月 2004 4月 2004 5月 2004 6月 2004 7月 2004 8月 2004 9月 2004 10月 2004 11月 2004 12月 2004 1月 2005 2月 2005 3月 2005 4月 2005 5月 2005 6月 2005 7月 2005 8月 2005 9月 2005 10月 2005 11月 2005 12月 2005 1月 2006 2月 2006 3月 2006 4月 2006 5月 2006 6月 2006 7月 2006 8月 2006 9月 2006 10月 2006 11月 2006 12月 2006 1月 2007 2月 2007 3月 2007 4月 2007 5月 2007 6月 2007 7月 2007 8月 2007 9月 2007 10月 2007 11月 2007 12月 2007 1月 2008 2月 2008 3月 2008 4月 2008 5月 2008 6月 2008 7月 2008 8月 2008 9月 2008 10月 2008 11月 2008 12月 2008 10月 2009 2月 2010

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