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土曜日, 10月 23, 2004


What deters a person's success in life? I believe self-confidence is a major factor and many a times, self-confidence is incalculated by parents into their children. With self-confidence, a person is willing to take up challenges and learn new things because he/she believe in themselves. It is a driving force behind them, a driving force to excel, to succeed, to believe in life.

However, not every child is blessed with such parents. Especially those parents who are raised in families where the mother or father will run them down when they cannot do anything right. I often think children are God's blessing to all parents but apparently not to some. Some parents will detest some of their or their children for some unknown reason. What has the little child done to evoke their hatred or prejudice?

If you look at those successful people in ur office or ur friends, u will often see them to be full of drive. They are willing to learn and take on new things. They are confident. Being confident will let one to have a sense of control over most circumstances especially difficult ones. They do not give up so easily and they know they can overcome their problems and not be overwhelmed by it.

Some children maybe introvert by nature. But if their parents manage to raise their child's confidence level, to let them know that they CAN do it. It makes a major difference in their life, be it in their studies,careers. Parents should take for granted what they can do, their children can also do. Every child is borned differently and have his/her own character, surely their parents will know their child's character better anyone else?

A parent should be as below, at least in my opinion:-

1) If a person can understand his/her own child and give them what they need to succeed in life later, then they can be parents.

2) Parents should discipline their children, cane them if needed. Those who adhere to bullshit like reasoning with ur 3 yr old kiddo is simply bullshit. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Spoil the child and he/she will screw ur life later.

3) Parents should not run down their child's confidence by calling them stupid,fat,ugly,useless. WHATEVER FOR????? they are UR children for God's sake. Why will any parents scold their own children as if they are not their own? Oke maybe that could be the reason.

4) Parents who had a bad childhood should not be parents at all. Because there is a high tendency they will use the same shit on their children. It is a curse which will run in the family for generations.

Well another thing is, parents should provide their children with good education. If a parent does not educate her/his child properly as the above, what rights does he/she have to be called a mother or father? It is the self-less sacrifice,love and care that make a person a mother or father even though the child may not be his/her own flesh and blood. Giving birth to a child but not raising him/her properly only makes the woman a biological parent. Credit is only based on the 9 months period in the womb. Raising a child properly is a credit which is forever.

Parenting=love=self-less giving. Not many people understand this, thus not all people can be parents.

elow at 10:11 午後 |

Johann Low,Male.

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God, church of our saviour, food,animation,photography,games, Jpn culture, pretty gals, high-tech gadgets, comics, Gundam models, layered hair, plucked eyebrows, mascara, blusher, Mika Nakashima,Ayumi Hamasaki, Namie Amuro, Sun Yanzi, Jay Chou, David Tao, Faye Wong, F.I.R, Flowerpod, Yoon Eun Hye,Fiona Xie, Lin Zhi Ling, Yoon Eun Hye

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