eXTReMe Tracker

日曜日, 9月 26, 2004


Been eating rather light and healthy since the my gastrics revolt. Just when I thought things were getting better I bought Yakult from a door to door sales person on thurs. I guessed I did that too early and yesterday I was passing out soup stools again. I was no feeling any downs but just passing out soupy stools gave me the jitters. Luckily, things went back to normal after popping the last 2 diarhorrea pills.

Then I began to realise how harsh I was to my own gastrics for the past year ever since I was outta army and out working. I used to buy an extra packet of something, be it fried kuay tiao, mee goreng etc etc on top of my dinner which will be waiting for me on the table. If I did not buy these extras, I will get supper most of the time after dinner even when my dinner can end at 6+ I can go get supper at 10+

Oke so now I realised how important it is to eat right and in the right amounts and also how important it is to be healthy.

I will be buying Yomeishu for my mum and myself cos I been getting abit interested in traditional Chinese Medicine. My mum also had a slight case of food poisoning aftering eating chicken (!!!) wings from a lunch box. So I thought getting some tonics for her will be good for her as well as myself. TCM is getting huge recognisation across the world in treating ailments. Now there is this program about TCM on channel 8 every Sat. Yesterday's topic was about menstrual problems and how TCM is used to treat them.

TCM emphasised alot of treating the kidneys to treat ailments and the way to treat menstrual problems involves mainly treating the kidneys,liver and pancreas. In fact the kidneys are regarded as one of the most important elements in the body system in TCM and most ailments involving the reproductory organs will involve in "tuning" up the kidneys.

Next week's topic will be on infertility. A young couple was childless despite trying countless attempts in artificial insemination but 3 months after on TCM treatment, the wife was pregnant. Reports reveal that 1 out of 5 couples has difficulty conceiving and in most cases, it could be either the man has unhealthy sperms, the woman has cysts in her womb,menstrual blood back-flow, empty ovums. TCM treats such cases by stimulating the body to produce healthy sperms and ovums for successful procreation.

Oke, that's abt all I know.

I got gmail!!! hwhahaha Thanks to a friend. all are welcomed to email me at faithsilence@gmail.com and.............I just got my SEK700i.

Shall not get anything extravagant next month. Savings shall start.

As for work, things are messy especially now I am doing the inventory updayting for Intel.The initial system was already screwed up and now I have to clear up the mess. There are like 1001 items in them and some are extra items and some are not. Working with them (mostly Taiwanese) is not something enjoyable when alot of times u DO get difficulty understanding their written English. BTW, I admit I missed out updating some inventory list but this will not screw up the entire system. I just hope things will not get messier.

Last Fri I went to a meeting with my boss. It was about a website revamp for a particular organisation. Little did we know that this expat whom we talked to is one of the internet's pioneers. He started out in homepage making back in 1992 in Sweden at his Univerisity! Back then, the internet is almost unheard of. He told us that back then, the internet connection in his school costed them S$60,000 a month.

Then the internet boom in 1994-1996, until now. The current internet is almost at the verge of breaking down as it is reaching its limit - unless the current internet system is upgraded to dunno what ISVP (?) 6 something, then we can have almost unlimited IPs. In the near future ( the technology is oredi available), the main focus will be on mobile technology. From ur watch,PDA,mobile,music player will have internet access and they can have an IP address.

The future of internet applications will be focused on mobile devices as they are the only area where there is still much room for competition. As for webpages, almost everyone can make a homepage now. I must I was impressed after the meeting. and I have to give our designer a briefing on how to revamp the 1st page tml...eeeks. Hope I left nothing out.

elow at 10:14 午後 | (0) comments

水曜日, 9月 22, 2004


Does anyone know the feeling of dying? I just experienced it after severe food poisoning thanks to the mixed rice veg stall in 33 Sembawang Road. Anyone who might go there please avoid this stall. On Mon, I had spinach, potatoes and braised drumstick for lunch.I had my lunch alone because my colleagues either brought their own lunch or those not eating.

A few hours after lunch, my stomach began to feel bloated. I went to the toilet and shit but it was not helping. Even gluping down 2 bottles of baoji pills did not help. Things got worse when I reached home. I was getting drowsy and weak and soon after while lying in bed, I developed a fever. I was almost too weak to move and my mum had to accompany me to the clinic near my block. Diagnosis was stomach viral infection.

I could not sleep that night cos after a few hours I would need to rush to the toilet. I soiled my pyjamas twice becos the shit was simply too watery to control, it just "squirt" out. It was hell. The next day I did not feel much better but at least the fever was gone. I still need to go to the toilet to release the pungent watery stools which looked gray. They are more like soup if to describe the physical aspects. I had no appetite for anything and I had nothing since Monday's evening except bread, milo and a few fishballs.

I never felt so terrible before! Thus I decided to complain to the National Enviroment Agency abt this unhygienic stall. I emailed them and an officer called me this morning. Honestly that officer who called had very bad pronouciation of English and I could not catch most of his sentences. He asked me to list down the food which I ate for the past days as he explained that food poisoning can occur 72 hours after consumption.

Anyway I felt better this morning, even though I still feel weak and feeble and still no appetite. I am very thirsty maybe due to the pungent gray soup which I had been squirting out since Monday. My MC eneded yesterday but today I took leave to rest at home. thank goodness I did, I am definitely not in any condition to work.

I hope that cb mixed veg rice at 33 Sembawang (besides Nee Soon Camp) get her license suspended for eternity. The culprit was likely to be the drumstick. KNNBCCB!!!!!!!!

elow at 10:55 午前 | (0) comments

土曜日, 9月 11, 2004


It is complaining time once more !!! >:D~

Just finished watching the annual Y** 9** Awards. There can be only one word - glaringly bright. Initially, I thought everything was normal. Then something fell in gradually. I realised how horrendous the compere's customes were besides the horrible makeup and hairstyling. Ma Li's 1st dress was something borrowed from a 80s dance hostess, so retro. The makeup and hairdo were terrible. Chongqing's shirt was no better, what's with the shimmering thing? The 3 of them were donning some glitter-shimmery-sparkling "glare" and its simply too much for the eyes. At least Ma Li's 2nd hairdo was better. The stage lighting was probably done by someone with built in shades in his eyes. Why was it so fcuking bright?? All the people on stage were over-exposed!

The stage props were concept-less. Bits and pieces from some left over stage props put together. I dun get the idea of the paper laterns behind with the funny shiny pillars with a rubber condom on. I dun get the funny spiky foam thing with the displays and also the building like cut outs. It is rojak, recycled,cheap and........It is a far cry from what the Americans can do in their award ceremonies. Is it the money or?

Now about the performers. There is this China,AngMoh wannabe Ah beng called Hu Yan Bing. He may be famous in China but definitely not here. Most people here dun give a rat's pellot abt who he is and he was acting and performing as if he was more super star than Faye Wong, Jolene Tsai. I realised he always have this thing to say " ...support China's music..." As if the majority of Singaporean,Taiwanese listeners care. Anyway I loathe his face. In fact I simply dislike anyone with single eyelids - except my friends and artistes whom I admire like Jay Chou.

Jolin Tsai performed well although I expected her to dance. F.I.R was oke, pretty normal. Yanzi is back!!! WAHHAHAHAHAAH~ Huang Yi Da was abit too casual in my opinion but he is one local star we shld support besides Yanzi~~ S.H.E performed relatively well too and so did Wang Li Horng. Faye Wong, well of course maintained her standard. Energy helped to liven up the whole event pretty much with their fast and "energetic" dance moves. Eason was great!

I am curious to know, which famous salon did the makeup and image for all the compere on stage.

elow at 9:07 午後 | (0) comments

日曜日, 9月 05, 2004


Last Tuesday I intended to go down to my agency to sign the appoinment letter for a position at HP in the afternoon. Who will expect in the morning at 10+, my boss called and told me I was confirmed and I got a pay rise of $100. On hearing this,I panicked,thinking now I am confirmed I will need to give a notice of 4 weeks. Then I made some calculations on the travelling expensese and how much I will get back frm the pay I will be getting frm HP and my new pay in my current company. There's not much of a difference - only about $90+ difference.

There is however a big difference, that is the travelling time and distance between HP and my current office. Going to HP will take me about 1.5 hrs, daily travelling expense will be $4.95 whereelse my current company is so near my home, it only takes 15min bus ride and daily travelling expense is only $1.66. The apparent choice for me is quite clear but the thing was how do i reject the job offer which i promised by word to my agent! I was in a dilemma for awhile as time was running short as I already applied for half a day's leave. To cut the story short, my 2 bosses came back in the early afternoon and I told them, they offered me some opinions and when I made clear to them I will be staying back. They also told me I will be getting another increment when the Industrial Attachment student leaves next month as I will be taking over his work.

His work mainly is updating webpages for current clients. Recently I am doing some minor updates for some websites also and I think I am getting the hang of it. I had quite a bad experience in doing webpage during poly when I was doing a webpage for a Japanese friend. Stuff like HTML coding,naming of the files and how a web server link its files all baffled me. Now I more or less understand. I learnt practically nothing in the web design module in school except to use dreamweaver - abit.

Sometime last wk, there was an incident whereby our mail server was being made use to spam. This cause the server to be overloaded with emails relays almost crippling our clients as well as our own emails access. Not surprisingly, calls came asking what happened, why so slow..blah blah..as I am the front line for technical support, I had to explain to them what happened and that now everything was oke as the spamming relay had stopped. A few days later, there were some clients who were sending huge files to their own clients. Some of our clients are not so technically trained, so I had to explain to them why huge files were not advised and how to compress their files to be smaller for easier sending.

Quite a week I must say.

Playing this tough game called Ninja Gaiden has taught me somethings - patience and preserverance. This is one of the toughest games I ever played after Metal Gear Solid 2. the 1st actual boss was already so hard to beat. The nice thing of this boss or rather all the bosses is that their life is a whole bar across the screen when yours in only 1/5 of theirs. Not only this, the common enemies are tough as well. A few whacks from a guard or ninja and soon you will game over.

Bought another games yesterday, its called Otogi 2, the graphics is rather pale compared to the rich colors of Ninja Gaiden and its confusing. But then its quite a steal for getting a Japanese imported game for only $65. I got this game from someone who was offering it in hardwarezone forum.

I was offered to take JLPT 3 Prep class but I turned them down for personal reasons. I will always remember what a friend told me when I was complaining to her what my friend did for me which caused quite a misunderstanding between me and the school.

"If you cannot make a decision, someone will make it for you and if it is bad one, you cant blame no one." Quite a wakeup call, really.

elow at 11:45 午後 | (0) comments

Johann Low,Male.

[I Love]
God, church of our saviour, food,animation,photography,games, Jpn culture, pretty gals, high-tech gadgets, comics, Gundam models, layered hair, plucked eyebrows, mascara, blusher, Mika Nakashima,Ayumi Hamasaki, Namie Amuro, Sun Yanzi, Jay Chou, David Tao, Faye Wong, F.I.R, Flowerpod, Yoon Eun Hye,Fiona Xie, Lin Zhi Ling, Yoon Eun Hye

[I Abhore]
hypocrisy, injustice, shallowness, materialism, lies. [Past Entries]
9月 2003 10月 2003 11月 2003 12月 2003 1月 2004 2月 2004 3月 2004 4月 2004 5月 2004 6月 2004 7月 2004 8月 2004 9月 2004 10月 2004 11月 2004 12月 2004 1月 2005 2月 2005 3月 2005 4月 2005 5月 2005 6月 2005 7月 2005 8月 2005 9月 2005 10月 2005 11月 2005 12月 2005 1月 2006 2月 2006 3月 2006 4月 2006 5月 2006 6月 2006 7月 2006 8月 2006 9月 2006 10月 2006 11月 2006 12月 2006 1月 2007 2月 2007 3月 2007 4月 2007 5月 2007 6月 2007 7月 2007 8月 2007 9月 2007 10月 2007 11月 2007 12月 2007 1月 2008 2月 2008 3月 2008 4月 2008 5月 2008 6月 2008 7月 2008 8月 2008 9月 2008 10月 2008 11月 2008 12月 2008 10月 2009 2月 2010

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